2023 Nov W4 – 2024 Taiwan Presidential Election Information Manipulation AI Observation Report

Insights on manipulation strategies This week, following the collapse of the KMT-TPP alliance, there was a noticeable surge in mutual criticisms between the KMT and TPP across various platforms, with the attack intensity recorded as follows: Facebook at 12.9%, YouTube at 23.7%, PTT at 26.7%, and TikTok at 26.7%. Notably, on YouTube, criticisms were more […]

Analysis of cognitive warfare and information manipulation in the Israel-Hamas war 2023

Introduction Cognitive warfare, information warfare, and disinformation are increasingly being used to undermine democratic societies. These tactics can sow discord, weaken public trust in institutions, and influence public opinion. This article explores the cognitive warfare and information manipulation of the Israel-Hamas war in 2023 with AI technology, and empirical evidence indicates that these approaches were […]

Illustrating Microservices in Action: A Closer Look at the Task Manager Application

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, software development approaches have undergone a paradigm shift. One of the most influential trends that has emerged is the adoption of microservices architecture. Microservices architecture is a modern software design pattern that aims to build large, complex applications as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. Within […]

From Novice to Dual Roles in Just One Month: Immersive Internship Experience in Both Product and Engineering Positions

Infodemic PM: I began my internship journey at AI Labs within the Infodemic department as a Product Manager intern. I spent the initial days understanding our target clients and the specific services AILabs and the Infodemic team wanted to deliver with this product. After gaining a baseline understanding of our product, I conducted a comprehensive […]

For Exploring Medical Frontiers: Deep Learning for ICU Tabular Data and Image Registration

Tabular data learning Introduction Artificial intelligence(AI) has significantly transformed the landscape of medicine. AI  has proven its effectiveness in aiding clinicians by facilitating diagnoses, finding new treatment regimes, and even predicting disease prognosis. However, while AI models have been successful in interpreting medical images, the realm of medical tabular data, which is routinely collected for […]

Taiwan AI Labs and Turing College Sign Memorandum of Cooperation to Foster Collaboration in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

Taiwan AI Labs, a leading artificial intelligence research institution, has announced a significant milestone in its global expansion efforts with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with Turing College, a pioneering educational institution based in Lithuania. The collaboration aims to facilitate intensive exchanges in areas such as federated learning and will also encompass internship […]

Call to Action: confirm leading edge medical AI technology improves radiosurgery clinical workflow

To distinguished medical professionals, We would like to request your assistance with an AI project designed to make radiosurgery more precise and accessible. Participants will have access to leading edge AI technology which seeks to revolutionize radiosurgery procedures for patients, clinicians, and institutions. This project is initiated by Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance (TAIFA) and […]

Removing Objects from 360° “Stationary” Videos

Introduction In recent years, 360° videos have become increasingly popular in providing viewers with an immersive experience where they can explore and interact with the scene. Taiwan AILabs is developing technology for the processing and streaming of 360° videos. Among the applications of our technology is Taiwan Traveler, an online tourism platform that allows visitors […]

Speaker Verification and Speaker Retrieval

Speaker verification is the task that given two segments of audio signal, we are supposed to verify whether both signals came from the same identity of the speaker or not. While inferencing, we first transform the audio signal into the corresponding speaker embedding, then calculate the similarity between two embeddings which is used to compare with the certain threshold later.

Extracting The Most Significant and Relevant Relational Facts From Large-Scale Biomedical Literature

pubmedKB is “a novel literature search engine that combines a large number of state-of-the-art text-mining tools optimized to automatically identify the complex relationships between biomedical entities—variants, genes, diseases, and chemicals—in PubMed abstracts” (Li et al.).